Hands Up!!! "Our new semi-regular/ quasi-bi-monthly, alternating Saturdays, rotating line up drunkfest."
Longstory short.... We got a little thing going at Green Elephant (el viejo Homebar) on a semi regular basis. We kinda wanted a spot where we could host touring acts, have a little stage, backyard look, etc. Now we got one. HANDS UP kicks off this Saturday and we're going classic CB, PaseRock is on deck for the next one. Truthfully, this is our way of getting to holla at these 18 yr old chicks we can't sneak into Zubar. There it is... XX
SATURDAY, JULY 14 (and then quasi regularly, but definitely the 28th, and always, ALWAYS fucking fresh...)
@ The Green Elephant
5627 Dyer St.
Dallas, TX

just gonna lay this out there... tom tom club rules.
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